(Department of Science & Technology)
The DST-ICTP Ramanujan Prize named after the illustrious mathematician from India, is awarded annually since 2005 to young mathematicians (under 45 years ) from the developing countries, for their outstanding contributions, undertaken in challenging circumstances in a developing country.
The Prize was instituted by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, the Abel Memorial Fund and the International Mathematical Union (IMU). Till 2012, the Abel Foundation contributed to the prize. In 2013 Prize money was contributed jointly by the ICTP and IMU.
The award carries an annual prize money of USD 15,000 with the administrative, publicity and winner's travel costs met by the ICTP.
The winner is selected by a Selection Committee, consisting of two nominees of ICTP, two of IMU and one nominee of DST. DST is also an observer in the proceedings. The members have a term of two years extendable by another two years. The nominations are invited through a call. The Committee decides the winner through discussions and exchange of emails. The prize can be awarded to one person or equally to joint winners.
The Prizes were awarded during last 3 years in DST's sponsorship are as below;
2014 - Dr Miguel Walsh (Argentina) for Ergodic Theory and Number Theory
2015 - Dr. Amalendu Krishna, (TIFR India) - Algebraic K-theory, algebraic cycles and the theory of motives
2016 - Chenyang Xu (China) - Wide range of techniques in algebraic geometry and beyond, to tackle a broad spectrum of geometric problems
The Ramanujan Prize For young mathematicians from developing countries
For further information about ICTP programs, please contact-Dr Rita Gupta